What is CU Drive America?

Motor Clubs & Member Empowerment

Who’s your first call when the car won’t go? If it starts with “A”, ends with “A”, and has one more “A” in-between, then you aren’t alone. Over 61 million Americans use AAA or another motor club membership for just that situation, responding to 33 million calls per year. Just…

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Auto Lending Products To Build Mission-Focused Revenues at Your Credit Union

Delivering Mission-Focused Services

Welcome to the age-old challenge of credit unions: Maintaining suitable performance while providing quality and low-cost services to your membership, especially those most economically vulnerable. Mission or Revenue. Hold up, OR? ¿Por qué no los dos? Mission AND Revenue! Together, we’ll uncover products which build revenues while advancing your credit…

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Does Indirect Lending Have a Future?

Foggy Country Road with Trees

When did your credit union launch its indirect auto lending program? Many large institutions began theirs in the 1990s. They weren’t without challenges. The sector experienced only moderate growth until 2012, when a major shift occurred. Major bank lenders, after suffering losses exaggerated by the impacts of the Great Recession,…

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3 Steps to Enter Car Buyer’s Journey Earlier [Videos]

Hilly Road into Trees

Traditionally, your credit union has had to wait to become part of a member’s car-buying journey: Neither are the immersive, consultative, and forward-looking strategies you want.  A credit union car buying service should be a key component of your credit union’s auto lending strategy. For more than a decade, GreenProfit…

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Credit Union Car Buying Service Goals & How to Achieve Them

Light Goal on Dark Road

Your credit union car buying service platform is core to your auto lending strategy. By leveraging this tool, however, your credit union is injected early into members’ car buying journey, while also serving members with simplicity, savings, and financial empowerment. What are the goals for your car buying service? We’ve…

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