A service of GreenProfit Solutions

Is Your Credit Union Truly Driving Auto Loan Excellence?

Auto loans are credit union “bread-and-butter”. And so much more. Yes, even in increased rate environments.

Yet, most members start their car search online, and are quickly directed to financing that isn’t yours. In that moment, you’ve lost the loan, plus any potential revenues from ancillary products, such as credit insurance, GAP, and Vehicle Service Contracts. Are your members protected? Did they get a good deal? Who knows?

Not very mission-focused.

cuZOOM: Solving Auto Lending Challenges. Creating Opportunities.

We built cuZOOM to be a customizable set of products, chosen to accomplish 3 goals for your credit union and members:

  • Attract borrowers, both at the beginning of their car buying journey and also after they finance elsewhere (it happens)
  • Engage members and staff with tools that make all the tedious stuff, well, not tedious. In other words, making your lives easier
  • Protect your institution and members from unexpected challenges, because you know that financial empowerment goes way beyond education, and compliance is a complex topic

cuZOOM! helps you achieve your mission:

To know when members are in-market.

To digitally transform your internal systems with fintech awesomeness.

To build financial empowerment while mitigating compliance challenges.

cuZOOM Services

Simple and modern, all with your credit union and member satisfaction at the core.

Discover cuZOOM! for your Credit Union.