5 Credit Union Car Buying Program Facts & Why They Matter

Computer with Car Buying Service on Screen

When a credit union member wants (needs?) a new car, it’s no mystery where they go. Online to car buying platforms. All of which provide their own financing choices. If we ended this article here, you should still be convinced a credit union car buying program is essential. I see…

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5 Must-Do Steps to Protecting Your Members: Vehicle Service Contracts

Member Protection - VSC

Why offer VSC? Protect your members, right? By design, a Vehicle Service Contract helps: That’s a nice set of features to promote. From the description, it seems worth discussing for every vehicle financed! Wouldn’t these be sufficient reasons to excite your staff so they confidently offer VSC to all your…

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Your Members’ Secret Car Buying Journey [Video]

Secret Stamp with Car

Your credit union members have a secret. They are scheming, researching, and…doing normal things! The scary part? Your institution may not be equipped to best serve them. Members use the internet. Now more than ever. In fact, as of Q1 of 2023, Cox Automotive found that 80% want to do…

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