Mission-Driven Revenue – Vehicle Service Contracts

Protecting Members from Car Breakdowns

Credit unions need revenues. Members need financial services, and today we’re honing in on vehicle service contracts. Your mission is to build financial empowerment, while achieving those two goals.  And where does GreenProfit Solutions feature in this? Great question. We do the research, shared in our Learning Library, to bring…

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3 Steps to Enter Car Buyer’s Journey Earlier [Videos]

Hilly Road into Trees

Traditionally, your credit union has had to wait to become part of a member’s car-buying journey: Neither are the immersive, consultative, and forward-looking strategies you want.  A credit union car buying service should be a key component of your credit union’s auto lending strategy. For more than a decade, GreenProfit…

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7 Ways to Grow Your Credit Union’s Direct Auto Loans

Arrows Going Up Road - Growing Direct Auto Loans at Credit Union

Everyone loves growing car loans at credit unions. With low rates, affordable protection products, like GAP and Vehicle Service Contracts, plus friendly staff, all your driving members should finance their car at your credit union. Auto lending is a tool to empower members, but it’s also a major profit center…

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Auto Lending in a Post-COVID-19 World: Risks & A Free Gift

Computer on Desk - You're Special to Us

Digital transformation. It’s not a new idea. Industry leaders have been predicting its onset and pointing the way for years. Our own Credit Union Geek has articles going back to 2014 explaining why and how. Our company blog suggested the idea in 2012. In fact, one of our founders built…

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