Fee Schedules: When Was Your Last Peek?

Credit Union Fee Schedules

“Credit unions are different. Our members are the owners, and since we don’t answer to shareholders, we’re able to offer lower rates & fees.” That’s been the siren song of credit unions for generations. Is it still true? And do your target audiences, or even members, care? Borrowing rates are…

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Advancing Your Credit Union Mission With Checking Accounts

Mission Focused Checking Cover

For some of your members, a debit swipe can regularly cost far more than the item they purchased. OD and NSF fees. Sure, they can be opt-in, but does that make them any better? When 75% of your fee revenue comes from 8% of members, that’s not mission-focused. Those members…

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How Your Checking Accounts Can Drive Financial Empowerment

VISA and MasterCard In Wallet

You provide super powers for account holders. Really. Consider your checking account. It enables someone to pay anyone they need on a recurring schedule or directly in the moment. Plus, the funds are guaranteed safe against fraud and theft. Sure, we take it for granted, but you are providing an…

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